Inter-sample peaks and true peaks are two important concepts to understand in audio production.
Both can impact the quality of an audio recording or mix, and it's important to be aware of them in order to prevent issues. In this article, we'll explore what inter-sample peaks and true peaks are, how they occur, and how to measure and prevent them.
By the end of this article, you'll have a solid understanding of these important audio production concepts and how to apply them in your own work.
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1. What are inter-sample peaks?
2. What are true peaks?
3. How to measure and prevent inter-sample peaks and true peaks
In digital audio, sound waves are represented by a series of numbers known as samples. These samples are taken at a specific interval, usually several thousand times per second. The process of sampling and quantizing analog audio is known as pulse-code modulation (PCM).

During the quantization process, each sample is assigned a numerical value based on the amplitude of the waveform at that point in time. This numerical value is known as a quantization level. The more quantization levels available, the more accurate the digital representation of the analog waveform will be. The number of quantization levels is known as the bit depth and is typically 16 or 24 bits for CD-quality audio.
While sampling and quantization allow for the digital representation of audio, it's not a perfect process. One issue that can occur is the creation of inter-sample peaks. Inter-sample peaks occur when the amplitude of the waveform between two samples exceeds the maximum quantization level. This can happen if the waveform has a very steep slope, such as a sudden spike or transient.
When an inter-sample peak occurs, the digital audio system has to decide how to represent the waveform. It can either clip the waveform, resulting in distortion, or it can attempt to smooth out the waveform by averaging it with the surrounding samples. Both options can result in a loss of clarity and definition in the audio.
Inter-sample peaks can occur in both the recording and mixing stages of audio production. In the recording stage, inter-sample peaks can be caused by very loud or dynamic sources, such as a snare drum or a guitarist playing a heavily distorted power chord. In the mixing stage, inter-sample peaks can be caused by the combination of different tracks with competing transients or by the use of dynamic processors such as compressors or expanders.
True peaks, also known as inter-sample true peaks or true peak limiting, are a concept related to inter-sample peaks. While inter-sample peaks refer to the peaks in the waveform between two samples, true peaks refer to the actual peak level of the audio when it's played back.

One of the limitations of digital audio is that the sample rate and bit depth only provide a limited number of quantization levels to represent the analog waveform. This means that the digital audio may not accurately reflect the true peak level of the analog waveform. When the analog waveform exceeds the maximum quantization level, it can cause the digital audio to clip, resulting in distortion.
True peak limiting is a technique used to prevent this distortion by ensuring that the true peak level of the audio stays within the maximum quantization level. It does this by analyzing the audio waveform at a higher resolution than the sample rate and bit depth, and applying limiting if necessary to prevent the true peak level from exceeding the maximum quantization level.
It's important to note that true peak limiting should be used with caution, as it can affect the dynamic range of the audio. If the true peak limiter is set too aggressively, it can result in the audio sounding over-compressed and lacking in dynamics. On the other hand, if the true peak limiter is set too lightly, it may not prevent distortion on systems with less headroom.
To use true peak limiting effectively, it's important to monitor the true peak level of the audio and to set the true peak limiter appropriately. This can be done using a meter that displays the true peak level, such as a true peak meter. It's also important to listen to the audio and make sure that it sounds natural and retains its dynamic range.
In order to prevent inter-sample peaks and true peaks in audio production, it's important to have a way to measure them and to have strategies in place to prevent them from occurring. Let's take a closer look at these two aspects.

Measuring inter-sample peaks and true peaks can be done using a peak meter. A peak meter is a tool that displays the peak level of the audio, either in decibels (dB) or as a percentage of the maximum level. There are two types of peak meters: sample peak meters and true peak meters.
Sample peak meters display the peak level of the audio as it's represented in the digital audio system, based on the sample rate and bit depth. These meters are useful for identifying inter-sample peaks, as they will show the maximum quantization level being exceeded. However, they may not accurately reflect the true peak level of the audio when played back, as the audio may have overshoots or undershoots due to the limited resolution of the sample rate and bit depth.
True peak meters, on the other hand, display the true peak level of the audio when it's played back. These meters analyze the audio waveform at a higher resolution than the sample rate and bit depth, and can accurately reflect the true peak level of the audio. True peak meters are useful for identifying true peaks and for setting true peak limiters appropriately.
In addition to using peak meters, there are several strategies that can be used to prevent inter-sample peaks and true peaks in audio production. These include:
- Using proper recording techniques: When recording, it's important to use proper gain staging to avoid overloading the input of the recording device. This can be done by setting the gain appropriately and by using a pad if necessary to reduce the level of the source.
- Using proper mixing techniques: In the mixing stage, it's important to use proper gain staging to avoid clipping. This can be done by setting the levels of the individual tracks appropriately and by using a limiter if necessary to prevent the overall mix from exceeding the maximum level.
- Using a headroom margin: It's a good practice to leave a headroom margin when mixing and mastering audio. This means leaving a certain amount of room below the maximum level to allow for peaks and transients. A headroom margin of 3-6dB is generally recommended.
- Using true peak limiting: As mentioned earlier, true peak limiting can be used to prevent distortion by ensuring that the true peak level of the audio stays within the maximum quantization level. However, it's important to use true peak limiting with caution in order to maintain the dynamic range of the audio.
In conclusion, inter-sample peaks and true peaks are important concepts to understand in audio production. Inter-sample peaks occur when the waveform between two samples exceeds the maximum quantization level, while true peaks refer to the actual peak level of the audio when it's played back.
Both can affect the quality of an audio recording or mix, and it's important to be aware of them in order to prevent issues.
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